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March 2023

Use the iOS App in Dutch 🇧🇪, 15 New Sort Options 😱, 20 New Fields in the Web App Table View 🤯, Zapier Updates ⚡️

Updated over a week ago

What's New

We know you've been waiting for it, and it's finally here... Use the iOS App in Dutch!

Sort Properties by. . . deep breath. . .

  • Created Time – The latest and greatest.

  • Online Publications – Promotion.

  • Publication Errors – Everybody makes mistakes.

  • Highest Offer – Money in the bank.

  • Number of Offers – Mansion on the hill.

  • Next Offer Expires – Time is running out.

  • Asking Price – Ain't too proud to beg.

  • Liveable Area, Gross Area, Plot Area and Net Area – Size matters (someday).

On all apps! wipes sweat. You can also sort Contacts by Created Time, Highest Offer, Offers, Next Offer Expires on all apps as well!

In the table view on the Web App, you will find much more info than before. Find the following options:

  • Mandate Nr., Mandate Type, Mandate Start & End Date (Properties)

  • Fixed Fee & Percentage Fee for Buyers and Sellers (Properties)

  • Energy Score (Properties)

  • DPE Label (Properties)

  • CO² Emissions (Properties)

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Properties)

  • Liveable Area, Gross Area, Plot Area and Net Area (Properties)

  • Notes (Contacts)

  • Created Time (Properties & Contacts)

  • Negotiator (Properties & Contacts)

What's Updated

The Asbestos Certificate and Negotiator Image fields are available on Zapier.

What's Fixed

  • Filtering & sorting related to Offers was not always working well, we've fixed this.

  • Mailparsing for Immovlan and Logic Immo has been fixed. No data was lost.

  • Uploading images from iCloud works better on the iOS App.

  • Indicating whether a past visit took place is possible again on the iOS App.

  • Adding feedback after an SMS, WhatsApp message or call is possible again on the iOS App.

  • We made some text in the app more clear while we were at it.

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