What’s New
Set the visibility 👀 of a specific Publication Channel to be visible to Everyone, or to a specific Team in your Company.
Bulk-assign ➡️👤 Colleagues to Properties from the Properties view on the Web App. This is only for Company Administrators, Team Administrators or Editors.
Android gets 3 important new features:
Automatic Descriptions & Translations
Filter Properties by Geographic Zone
Manage New Build Projects
What’s Updated
Manage Publication Channels more easily with a new table view and much-requested search feature on the Web App. We've also improved the loading speed of the Property → Publish section on large accounts with 30×
See the e-mail address or phone number for Contacts on the Web App when you Schedule a Visit, Register an Activity, Create an Offer or Add the Owner/Buyer on the Property.
Open Properties and Contacts in a new tab or window when you command/control+click or right-click in the Web App.
Any link to a Property or Contact opens the correct view on the Mobile Apps.
Navigation in the entire application is smoother, with fewer screens showing loading spinners.
What’s Fixed
All Apps
There was an issue with generating image previews, we've fixed that.
We've increased the stability of publications to French Portals.
Apartments on the ground floor will publish to the Ground Floor category on Immoweb.
Improved the reliability of Match e-mails.
Zapier App
We no longer force you to reconnect to Zapier when an action fails.
iOS/iPadOS App
We prevent you from accidentally registering activities with no property attached.
We've improved the stability of the new favourite contacts widget.
When the Mandate's End Date is before the Start Date, we show a nice error message.
When Scheduling a Visit from the Contact's side, we auto-fill the Contact again.
When assigning Properties or Contacts, we would sometimes show the e-mail address in stead of the name. That's fixed!
It's possible to remove Buyers or Owners from an offer again. Useful when you made a small mistake.
We don't duplicate information anymore when you create an Offer from the side of a Contact.
When you upload images, we consider the property as Edited.
We show the Price Point and Property Type filters for Contacts again.
Uploading photos no longer changes the status of a property.
Web App
We prevent you from creating Geographic Zone templates that have empty postcodes.
The Subtypes filter now contains al the correct subtypes.
Android App
The Team Switcher is more reliable.
The address autocomplete is more reliable.
Moving the order of images is possible again.
The formatting of numbers on the Property → Details → Price screen is far better.
Selecting any non-English language should be more reliable across updates.
Fixed a crash related to decimal numbers in the CO2-emissions field.
Resolved an issue with the Status changing when you uploaded an image.