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December 2023

Set Publication Channel Visibility 👀, Bulk-assign Colleagues to Properties ➡️👤, 3 New Android Features 🤖

Updated over a week ago

What’s New

Set the visibility 👀 of a specific Publication Channel to be visible to Everyone, or to a specific Team in your Company.

Bulk-assign ➡️👤 Colleagues to Properties from the Properties view on the Web App. This is only for Company Administrators, Team Administrators or Editors.

Android gets 3 important new features:

  1. Automatic Descriptions & Translations

  2. Filter Properties by Geographic Zone

  3. Manage New Build Projects

What’s Updated

Manage Publication Channels more easily with a new table view and much-requested search feature on the Web App. We've also improved the loading speed of the Property → Publish section on large accounts with 30×

See the e-mail address or phone number for Contacts on the Web App when you Schedule a Visit, Register an Activity, Create an Offer or Add the Owner/Buyer on the Property.

Open Properties and Contacts in a new tab or window when you command/control+click or right-click in the Web App.

Any link to a Property or Contact opens the correct view on the Mobile Apps.

Navigation in the entire application is smoother, with fewer screens showing loading spinners.

What’s Fixed

All Apps

  • There was an issue with generating image previews, we've fixed that.

  • We've increased the stability of publications to French Portals.

  • Apartments on the ground floor will publish to the Ground Floor category on Immoweb.

  • Improved the reliability of Match e-mails.

Zapier App

  • We no longer force you to reconnect to Zapier when an action fails.

iOS/iPadOS App

  • We prevent you from accidentally registering activities with no property attached.

  • We've improved the stability of the new favourite contacts widget.

  • When the Mandate's End Date is before the Start Date, we show a nice error message.

  • When Scheduling a Visit from the Contact's side, we auto-fill the Contact again.

  • When assigning Properties or Contacts, we would sometimes show the e-mail address in stead of the name. That's fixed!

  • It's possible to remove Buyers or Owners from an offer again. Useful when you made a small mistake.

  • We don't duplicate information anymore when you create an Offer from the side of a Contact.

  • When you upload images, we consider the property as Edited.

  • We show the Price Point and Property Type filters for Contacts again.

  • Uploading photos no longer changes the status of a property.

Web App

  • We prevent you from creating Geographic Zone templates that have empty postcodes.

  • The Subtypes filter now contains al the correct subtypes.

Android App

  • The Team Switcher is more reliable.

  • The address autocomplete is more reliable.

  • Moving the order of images is possible again.

  • The formatting of numbers on the Property → Details → Price screen is far better.

  • Selecting any non-English language should be more reliable across updates.

  • Fixed a crash related to decimal numbers in the CO2-emissions field.

  • Resolved an issue with the Status changing when you uploaded an image.

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