Preference Sets
You've been asking for this for a long time and it's finally here: a way to store more than one Preference Set for a contact.
Creating preferences in the app
On the Preferences screen, you will now see a list of Preference Sets. You will always see the main property type (house, apartment, commercial...) and the transaction type (buy / rent). If they are set, you will also see the price and location preferences. Simply tap a set to edit it, or tap Add to create a new set.
Creating preference sets from other places (Zapier, Agency Site, Website API)
When a Buyer Lead indicates their preferences on your Agency Site, via the Website API or via Zapier, we will always add a new set. This means that if someone is looking to buy a parking and a house, there will be no more conflict when matching.
When we receive a Buyer Lead via Zapier, and no property type is specified, we will create a preference set for every single property type.
Sending preferences to Zapier
Since Zapier does not support lists, we will simply send the last updated preference set. This means your Zaps will continue to work the way they did before.
More Detailed Preferences
When adding or editing a preference, you can now add more details such as a property subtype, amenities or minimal condition. If someone is looking for a Villa with a Pool, in Mint condition, you can now indicate this in their preferences via the Web App or iOS App.
Creating detailed preferences from other places (Zapier, Agency Site, Website API)
When a Buyer Lead shows interest on a specific property, we will also store the condition, subtype and amenities as preferences in a preference set. This way you can present similar properties to the Buyer Lead.
When a Buyer Lead shows interest via a form on the Agency Website or Website API, we currently cannot create the detailed preferences.
You can match multiple preferences sets, and more detailed preferences.
Finding Buyer Leads for a Property
This will work exactly the same way it did before, with one addition. If the Buyer Lead has indicated that they want a Pool, and the property you are trying to find Buyers for does not have a pool, then the property won't show in the matching.
Finding Properties for a Buyer Lead
This will look a little different.