What's Updated
When you send matching emails from the Contact section, we always exclude properties that have status sold or rented. Meanwhile in the Matching section, you are able to filter out properties based on status.
Your My Profile was moved to the top right corner.
If a location preferences is selected, it shall always appear on top of the list. No more scrolling.
We fine-tuned the Zapier Search Find estate by added the possibility to filter on the properties reference field. Exact match is good.
When an assigned lead is created from the agency website, public API or Zapier, the lead has always a location preference selected. This shall either be a location preference that existed beforehand in your company or a newly added location preference.
The properties address is autocompleted in the default language of your company. Except when Google Maps doesn't have this address in your default language.
What's Fixed
For a moment there, you were not able to select another negotiator when scheduling a visit. We fixed this.
iOS (2.5.4)
Fixed: registering an interaction sometimes led to duplicating the previous interaction. This is now fixed.
Fixed: we now show the green checkmark again when you have successfully registered a visit.
Fixed: various layout and interaction design bugs for an overall smoother app experience.
FIXED - issues that are resolved
UPDATED - changes that have been made
ADDED - new features/functionalities added
UPDATED - updates to an existing version
WebApp - desktop/web version of the app
iOSApp - mobile version of the app
Mobile Browser - web version of the app on the phone
Agency website - the SweepBright template website