Webapp - We added a new Trigger to Zapier: New visit scheduled
This trigger sends the following fields when its triggered:
The schedule date & time shall always be sent in UTC.
Please check out this Zapier article about reformatting date & time to your timezone.
Agency website - Speeding up the publishing process
Speeding up publications to the agency website. They now appear twice as fast!
We added or renamed some fields in the Zapier trigger: Feedback added to lead.
We made validation errors more obvious on new "Get PersonalUpdates" page
We fixed sorting units in the projects table on the webapp.
We fixed a broken blank screen on the invoice and upgrade page
We fixed the pre-population of first and last name in the Calendly event
We fixed the currency alignment in project overview in mobile browser
We fixed images appearing upside down on agency website
FIXED - issues that are resolved
UPDATED - changes that have been made
ADDED - new features/functionalities added
UPDATED - updates to an existing version
WebApp - desktop/web version of the app
iOSApp - mobile version of the app
Mobile Browser - web version of the app on the phone
Agency website - the SweepBright template website