Agency Website - Introduces multilingualism on the agency website.
Agency Website - Fixed search results not showing title in the appropriate language.
WebApp - Fix broken upload documents page and uploading property plans
WebApp - Fix import contacts modal scroll no working
WebApp - Fix negotiators select field not showing the right users
WebApp - Fix visit section showing all leads
WebApp - Fix the location of the property not been shown when the page loads
WebApp - Do not show the property vendor in matches if there is no message
WebApp - Remove filter option in visits contacts
WebApp - Fix typo in register page
WebApp - Fix applying coupon on upgrade subscription page
WebApp - Remove the character limit in the legal mentions field
API - Fixed issue with email footer
API - Make sure we don't send emails to a contact in a disabled language.
API - Fixed bug where legal mentions where not correctly mapped back.
Public API - Added new fields introduced with multilingualism to documentation.
API - Visit time and date will get translated into contact's language.
API - Property title on the summary for calendar events.
API - Search optimisations for multiple language search.
API - Language defaults for twitter and facebook.
Public API - Updated documentation with additional legal information
API - Update email templates to new ones
FIXED - issues that are resolved
CHANGED - changes that have been made
ADDED - new features/functionalities added
UPDATED - updates to an existing version
Public API - webhook - website API
API - applications API
WebApp - desktop/web version of the app
iOSApp - mobile version of the app
Agency website - the SweepBright template website