Webapp - Fixed login pages showing unrelated alerts
Webapp - Updated contact matching mails
Webapp - Fix content overflow in highlighted properties settings
Webapp - Remove Internal from Internal Notes field label
Webapp - Add padding to characters counting input
Agency Website - Custom price would be shown when field empty
Agency Website - Unify phone fields placeholders
Webapp - Removed redundant (private) mention in field names
Webapp - Integrate contact and property match modals into the pages
Agency Website - Command to generate all agency websites to skip disabled companies by default
Webapp - Add custom label in price section
Webapp - Add tooltip to private lock images and plan
Webapp - Added new apartment subtype (student accomodation)
Agency Website - Added possibility to show custom price field when it's enabled and filled in.
Agency Website - The custom price will be shown on the properties search page when the feature flag is enabled and the field has a value.
Agency Website - Added address formatter to property transformer
FIXED - issues that are resolved
CHANGED - changes that have been made
ADDED - new features/functionalities added
UPDATED - updates to an existing version
Public API - webhook - website API
API - applications API
WebApp - desktop/web version of the app
iOSApp - mobile version of the app
Agency website - the SweepBright template website