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Connect your publication channels

Connect your favorite real estate portals to SweepBright: from Acheter-Louer to Zimmo. And Facebook, too 📣

Updated over a week ago

â„č Note that only Company Administrators have access to the Publication Channels configuration options.

Managing publication channels in SweepBright is easy. First, navigate to the Portals menu in SweepBright with three simple steps:

  1. Open the SweepBright menu in the top left of the the Web App

  2. Select Publication Channels

  3. Select Portals

Here you will see. a list of currently configured portals, as well as a way to Add a new portal.

If this is your first time using SweepBright, you will have to add a new portal. Select the portal you would like to connect and follow the instructions at the top of the screen to activate it. In case you get stuck, please contact our customer support team via the chat bubble, someone will gladly help you to set up your Publication Channels.

Multiple Accounts

It is possible that your agency has multiple accounts on a specific portal. For example, in a franchise network, it is common to have specific deals with each agency. No worries: we've got you covered. SweepBright can handle multiple accounts for a specific publication channel. Yes, even for Facebook.

Portal Visibility

A special word about portal visibility. By default, every team in your company will see all of the Publication Channels you've added. However, it is possible to configure a Publication Channel to only show in one specific team. To do that, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the SweepBright → Publication Channels → Portals menu from the top left of the Web App.

  2. Click the portal you would like to change the visibility settings for.

  3. Change the Visible To dropdown to the Team you want to give access to this specific portal.

Once you've completed step 3, this specific Publication Channel will only be visible to that team, and not to any other teams anymore.

List of Supported Portals


  • Immoweb

  • Immovlan

  • Zimmo

  • Spotto

  • Realo


  • Le Bon Coin

  • SeLoger

  • Belles Demeures

  • Figaro Immo

  • Paru Vendu

  • BureauxLocaux

  • GeoLocaux

  • SeLoger Bureaux et Commerces

  • Places des Commerces

  • Mes Immos

  • Belles Pierres

  • SurfacePrivee

  • Zilek

  • FrenchProperty

  • Repimmo

  • Nexthome

  • Previsite

  • Meilleursagents

  • L'hotellerie Restauration

  • Evrovilla

  • Immoregion

  • Vizzit

  • SNPI

  • Cotelittoral

  • OuestfranceImmo

  • Studapart

  • Superimmo

  • Monbien

  • Maisonsetappartements

  • Fnaim

  • Acheterlouer

  • Tousvoisins /

  • Paruvendu

  • Etreproprio

  • Listglobally

  • Worldposting

  • Gedeon

  • GreenAcres

  • Bureau Locaux

  • Bien’Ici

  • DOMimmo

  • SeLoger

  • Place des commerces

  • Figaro

  • Amepi

  • Geolocaux

  • 97immo

  • Leboncoin Pro

  • LeBonCoin & AvendreAlouer

  • LogicImmo

  • BellesDemeures

  • Cession PME

  • AvendreAlouer

  • SeLoger bureau & Commerces

  • GoogleMyBusiness

  • clĂ©s du midi

If you have a question about a specific portal not in this list, just ask our team.

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