What's New
Share up to 5 images to SweepBright with one tap.
See which Seller or Buyer is calling you with Caller Identification.
Register an incoming call from your call history.
What's Updated
Web App
See the Addition of a property address in the overview of Units in a Project.
Filter on Transaction and Budget only when you are filtering Leads.
Share a Contact to SweepBright more reliably.
Add a Location Preference on the fly when you create a new Contact Preference.
What's Fixed
Preview of Matterport videos works again.
Improved quality of the French translations.
Publishing to Facebook now includes the text again.
Expressed interest icon looks better.
Match screens with lots of matches now always load.
Web App
When saving your profile, we don't remove your profile picture anymore.
Match screens with lots of matches now always load.